Assemble – Website

About This Project

Assemble is Park City’s Premier Co-Working Space. Their clients put together work space options that include private offices, workstation desks, a business lounge, and conference rooms to meet each clients professional needs. Stippich Design collaborated on the redesign of the website.


Assemble wanted their site to be more reflective of their space which is modern, clean and crisp. They felt their old site did not present the full range of offerings they have in an effective manner and they wanted a new site that they could update and better control internally.


The redesign process began by our team narrowing down themes that would afford the clean, crisp, modern look desired but were highly intuitive to make updating them internally by the Assemble staff manageable. Then through design meetings were able to work through the structure of the redesigned site and develop a menu that made clear Assemble’s multitude of offerings. Then our team developed the aesthetic appearance of the pages, worked collaboratively to refine messaging and content that would populate the site.

Branding, Corporate, Website